A Second Chance for Charlie: How DoveLewis Turned Heartbreak into Joy

When Charlie, a sweet Vizsla mix, started acting lethargic and refusing his usual walks, his family knew something was wrong. They brought him to an urgent care clinic, where an ultrasound revealed fluid in his abdomen and a suspected splenic mass. With the possibility of a serious condition looming, Charlie was sent home with medications, and his family began preparing for the worst.

But Charlie had other plans. By the following day, he perked up, seemed brighter, and even started eating again. His family decided to seek a second opinion and brought him to DoveLewis to assess the situation and explore any options for the time he had left.

After a thorough examination by our team, Charlie underwent surgery to remove the suspected mass in his spleen. The team also took a biopsy of his liver to ensure there were no hidden issues. His surgery was successful, and Charlie began his post-operative recovery like a champ.

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The waiting game for biopsy results was nerve-wracking, but when the results came back, they were worth the wait: the splenic mass was a hematoma—a benign blood-filled growth. The liver biopsy showed no abnormalities, and there was no sign of cancer. The surgery had not only stopped the bleeding but was also curative!

Charlie spent a couple of nights under observation to ensure he was healing well and staying comfortable. With his staples in place and a wagging tail to match his bright spirit, Charlie was discharged to continue his recovery at home.

While he needed some time to fully heal, his prognosis was excellent. Charlie’s family was relieved and overjoyed to know that their beloved companion has many happy and healthy days ahead.

"I literally cried tears of joy for the first time in my life. I am so incredibly grateful to this team for taking care of Charlie—from the front desk staff, nurses, vets, and surgeons. We have so many more years together because of you." - Jess, Charlie's mom.

Charlie's heartwarming recovery underscores just how critical it is to have access to comprehensive care. With our second facility opening across the street, DoveLewis is making it even easier for pets like Charlie to receive everything they need—from emergency care to surgery—all in one place. This expansion will provide seamless, coordinated care, ensuring pets have quick and easy access to the full spectrum of services—whether it’s urgent care, emergency care, specialized treatments, or advanced surgeries.

Here’s to Charlie’s continued recovery and many more happy years with his family!


