For Your Clients

Caring for the “pet loving community” is a core part of our mission—and that includes your clients. We see it as a privilege expand your resources to best support your community. See what’s available for you.

Financial Aid

A donor-funded program to help qualifying families in their moment of need.

Our donor-funded Velvet Assistance Fund can help clients relieve the cost of their pet’s emergency care. Let’s see how it could help your clients:

  • Financial assistance covers an emergency exam with a veterinarian to address the patient's immediate issue. If needed, the veterinarian can offer limited care and write any necessary prescriptions for the client to fill.
  • Clients  must state a financial need at check-in.
  • Clients must apply for Care Credit or Scratch Pay first, a financing company aimed at people who don’t have a credit card available to them. If you are approved, the full limit must be used before additional financial aid is applied.
  • Clients can qualify once per year.

Brochures + Clinic Materials

Helpful tools to help you share resources and options with your clients.

What materials would be helpful for you and your clients? We have plenty to choose from. 

  • DoveLewis Brochures
  • Blood Bank "Superhero" Flyers
  • Pet Loss Support Program Information
  • Hospital Business Cards

Order Materials for Your Clinic

Pet Loss Support

If ever there was a place that appreciates how important pets are in our lives, its here. See what options there are to connect with resources for processing grief and honoring pets.

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Caregiver Support Group

While we lovingly provide care to our cherished companions, it can also be a confusing, tiring, overwhelming, and isolating experience. The Caregiver Support Group is a space where people can connect to learn about topics relevant to caring for a companion, as well as yourself, and to find support in community with others.

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