Wearing Different Hats: A Recap of My Marketing Internship

Client Liaison Rabecca Hoskins-Williams completed a two-week internship with the DoveLewis Marketing department. Below is a summary of her experience. You can read her full recap on atdove.org, DoveLewis’ renowned veterinary training and CE program.

My name is Rabecca and I am a Client Service Liaison at DoveLewis. I was hired on as a CSR one year ago through a temp agency and decided to stay on as a permanent employee. In my role, I support the CSR team by acting as the point-person for clients in our lobby. This allows the CSR team to focus on incoming clients and manage the phones, among their other numerous responsibilities. I try to develop a rapport with clients from the moment they walk through our doors. I regularly help with pet registration paperwork, providing updates about their pet, and answering questions during their visit.

I recently had the opportunity to intern with the DoveLewis marketing department. I spent two weeks learning about how we as an organization communicate with members of our community, and support clients long after they leave the hospital. I was also able to spend time with the atDove team, learning about the atDove product and resources that are available for veterinary professionals. Below are three things I learned during my internship! 

Learning #1: atDove is a global resource.

I wasn’t fully aware of just how many veterinary professional use atDove on a regular basis- there are +30k members!

Learning #2: Everyone has unique skills they bring to the table. 

Over the two weeks I was in the marketing department, I was able to shadow every person on the team. This ranged from our Graphics Designer, our Brand Marketing Specialist, and the Account Executive. … While each person has their own responsibilities, I was impressed to see them come together as they worked on team projects. Each person was able to contribute and utilize their unique strengths, which makes for a well-rounded discussion. We did a handful of brainstorming projects, which was fun to see everyone’s ideas come together. I’m excited that I was able to play a role in these projects and give unique perspectives from a Client Liaison’s point of view!

Learning #3: There is a lot to learn about customer behavior. 

…  I really enjoyed learning about this because it means that our communications (emails, phone calls, post cards, etc.) can be targeted specifically towards what individuals are looking for. It also means that we can learn what content topics are in most demand, and then create them to support ongoing learning!

Find out what was Rabecca's favorite part of her in-house internship. Then see how DoveLewis could be where you grow your career.

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