Thumper: A Pet Loss Story

The following pet loss story was sent to DoveLewis Pet Loss Support Director Enid Traisman from Jim Morgan. Please feel free to submit your own pet loss story here.

Thumpies is gone and I am devastated. I see him in my mind all around the house where we did our daily rituals but I can’t hold him, pet him in his favorite spots or smell him, He’s gone. It started Friday with all of the sudden he started wreching this white foam, knew he got into something but could not figure out what. The next day after not getting any better I took him to my local Vet, they took xrays gave him an IV but could not determine what was wrong, after four hours there they suggested we take him to a ER Vet. More xrays and there they found a mass in his esophagus, they had me fill out paper work to perform an endoscope. The endoscope showed he had a corn cob stuck in his esophagus, the scope could not budge it, they tried calling me to ask me if I wanted it surgically removed but they called the wrong number. Finally talked to them an hour later and they told me that the area where the cob was stuck was white and necrotic looking, that the likelihood of a esophageal stricture or rupture was extremely high.


With that in mind I gave the OK to euthanize. We ( my wife, son, daughter and myself) went to say our goodbyes and were there to see him go. It was heartbreaking, my poor wife was holding him saying “NOO I Can’t let you go”, as she cried uncontrollably. I made so many stupid mistakes, not tying up the garbage bag, not taking him to a ER Vet right away, not making sure they had the right number for them to contact me. It was just so preventable and unexpected he was only four and very healthy. Hope this helps at least one person from making the same mistakes I made.

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