Pet Health Blog

When it comes to your pet’s health, their gums can reveal a lot about what’s happening inside their body.
Spring Pet Safety Tips
With spring in the air, pet owners should be aware of potential seasonal hazards. While you enjoy the longer, warmer days, keep these tips in mind!
Be Aware of these Common Pet Toxins
March is National Pet Poison Prevention Month and as a hospital that encounters many cases of toxicity in household pets, we want you to be in the know to prevent future ER visits. Review the following household and outdoor toxins to steer your pets clear of ingesting them.
Potential Household Toxins for Pets
Many common household items are poisonous to pets, including some that can even be fatal. No matter how close of an eye we keep on our furry friends, they can still have a tendency to be a bit mischievous.
Pawsitive Vibes Only: The Playful Pursuit of Feline Happiness
Did you know that play is crucial for cats? Cats are often seen as independent creatures, but engaging in playtime activities is actually essential for their well-being.
Recognizing Illness in Exotic Pets: Key Signs to Watch For
Exotic pets, ranging from reptiles and birds to small mammals and beyond, offer a unique challenge to pet owners, especially when it comes to identifying signs of illness.
GI Stasis in Rabbits: Tips for Exotic Pet Owners
Rabbits make fun and charming pets, but like any other animal, they can face health challenges. Gastrointestinal (GI) stasis is one such concern that rabbit owners should be aware of and know when to seek care from an exotics veterinarian.