Pet Health Blog

Just like humans, pets' hearts can face health challenges, from congenital heart defects to conditions acquired over time, such as heart murmurs, arrhythmias, or even heart failure.

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High-Rise Syndrome is a Risk for Portland Pets

As Portland continues to grow “up” with the addition of numerous high-rise apartment buildings, local pets are at a greater risk of suffering from high-rise syndrome, especially during the hotter days of summer. High-rise syndrome commonly refers to cats and dogs falling from a two-story surface or higher.

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Pets and Sunburns: A Q&A

A summer day is always better when spent with your favorite pup, but the sun can do some serious damage to your pet’s delicate skin. Just like humans, excessive exposure to the sun can lead to skin problems for dogs and cats, including cancer.

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Keeping Your Pets Healthy From the Inside Out

Dr. Barbara Davis, DoveLewis internal medicine specialist, is an expert at preventing, diagnosing and treating complex, long-term illnesses in adult animals. Today, she is sharing her top three tips for keeping your pet happy and healthy well into adulthood. 

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