Pet Health Blog
It’s that time of year when rain is the rule rather than the exception. With downpours frequently drenching our streets and backyards, the chances of encountering dirty puddles increases. And so do the hazards pets can face.
From Cats and Dogs to Urban Farm Animals, Heatstroke Can Be Fatal
Are you and your pets ready for the warm summer months? As we try to keep cool in the scorching heat, be sure to pay special attention to your animal friends.
Keeping Your Pets Healthy From the Inside Out
Dr. Barbara Davis, DoveLewis internal medicine specialist, is an expert at preventing, diagnosing and treating complex, long-term illnesses in adult animals. Today, she is sharing her top three tips for keeping your pet happy and healthy well into adulthood.
What’s Up With the Upchuck?
As a 24-hour emergency hospital, DoveLewis treats more cases of vomiting than any other type of injury or illness. Throwing up can be a regular occurrence for both cats and dogs, but it can also be a sign of a more serious issue.
Canine Flu: What You Need to Know
Due to a recent outbreak of the canine influenza virus in the San Francisco Bay area, dogs in Oregon are at a significantly increased risk of contracting the H3N2 strain of canine flu.
Pets and Chocolate: A Toxic Combination
Milk or dark, candy or cake – chocolate may be one of our favorite sweet treats, but it’s definitely not meant to be consumed by our furry friends.
Dog Bone Danger
Earlier this year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published a report about the dangers of dog bone treats. While many pet owners know to avoid giving turkey or chicken bones to dogs, the FDA also urges pet owners to stay away from processed and packaged bones sold as dog treats.