Pet Health Blog

Just like humans, pets' hearts can face health challenges, from congenital heart defects to conditions acquired over time, such as heart murmurs, arrhythmias, or even heart failure.

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Q&A: Medical Marijuana for Pets

While we know that marijuana is toxic to our furry friends, there are still many unknowns about the use of medical marijuana in veterinary medicine. DoveLewis Chief Medical Officer Lee Herold answers your questions about this controversial drug use for pets.

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Lilies Make a Dangerous Bouquet for Cats

Bold, beautiful lilies start to blossom in spring gardens and appear in Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and May Day bouquets. But did you know they can be poisonous and extremely toxic to cats?

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Marijuana: Legal, but Toxic

As availability of marijuana increases in the Portland area since legalization, so have the number of marijuana toxicity cases treated at DoveLewis. Our doctors warn pet owners of the potential risks to their dogs and cats if marijuana is ingested in any form.

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Respiratory Distress Requires Immediate Treatment

One of the most common and most serious symptoms treated by doctors at DoveLewis is respiratory distress, or breathing challenges. Whether an animal is having difficulty breathing or they are breathing excessively, this issue should be treated immediately.

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Parvovirus: What You Need to Know

Parvovirus is a potentially life-threatening illness, most commonly affecting young dogs between the age of 8 weeks and 1 year old. Highly contagious, the virus is transmitted through contaminated dog feces and can live for long periods of time in the environment (sometimes several years).

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