Blog - By Author

Author: DoveLewis

Top Tips to Protect Your Pet on Thanksgiving

In past years, DoveLewis doctors have seen everything from a dog who ate a turkey leg whole, to a dog who ate a whole pie (and part of the pie dish), to a cat who ate the string from the turkey. Thankfully, each patient recovered fully.

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Snowflake's Tough Break

Snowflake gave his family quite a scare when they returned home one evening. His kitty mischief resulted in an injury that required an immediate trip to the emergency room. Read Snowflake's story.

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To Wait or Not to Wait?

If you notice something different about your pet, you may start to wonder if it’s time to make a trip to the emergency room or if you’re just overreacting to your pet’s possible plight. Here are a few examples of when you should take immediate action and when you can wait.

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