Pet Health Blog
As winter brings cozy vibes to our homes, it's important to stay mindful of hidden dangers that can put our pets at risk.
Five Dog-Friendly Parks in Portland
Among other things, the Portland area is well-known for its abundance of parks and greenery. As an added bonus, many of these parks are dog-friendly and provide amenities specifically suited to you and your canine. Check out these five great picks for dog-friendly parks in the Portland area.
Skittish; A Pet Loss Story
The following pet loss story was shared with DoveLewis Pet Loss Support Director Enid Traisman from Scott Thomsen.
6 Ways to Make Vet Visits Less Stressful for Your Cat
If you own a cat and have ever had the pleasure of taking it to a vet appointment, you may have faced some staunch feline resistance.
Orange: A Pet Loss Story
The following pet loss story was shared with DoveLewis Pet Loss Support Director Enid Traisman from Sara Inskeep.
Canine Flu Symptoms, Risk and Treatment
Canine influenza, or commonly referred to as “canine flu” or “dog flu,” is a relatively new respiratory infection affecting dogs of all ages and breeds. There are two known strains that can make your dog sick. The latest strain, H3N2, was first reported in Chicago in March 2015 and is currently on the rise.
Cat vomit: What’s normal and what’s not?
If you’re a cat owner, it’s possible you’ve seen your cat throw up a few times. An isolated incident or two is usually no great cause for alarm. Occasional vomiting is not severe, but also not necessarily normal. If your cat continues to eat regularly with normal bowel movements, it’s likely nothing serious. But it could signal a need for a change in diet, or a possible food allergy.